Find out if your feelings are yours or others.
Join Kim for her Interdimensional Wellness Course
for Empaths and Healers.
Have you ever wondered why you feel drained after being around other people?
Are you easily triggered and have trouble returning to peace?
Do you have feelings or thoughts come out of nowhere and they don’t go away?
Want to help others and don’t know how?
Learn how to manage and navigate the enormous amount of interdimensional information coming in. We’ll acknowledge your many layers of humanness, learn to work with the many dimensions of yourself, and how to sort and process unconscious information held in your body. This will ultimately lead to an understanding of where you end and others begin.
Do You Know
If You’re An Empath?

benefits & outcomes
What’s in this Empath course for me?
benefits & outcomes
What’s in this Empath course for me?

qualified instructor
Kim Holman’s work with Recodes has helped me clarify my personal and business true goals, reduce tension and anxiety around challenges with starting a new business and remove blockages that were inhibiting progress. Her wisdom and insight shined a light on shadowed areas which I had previously been unaware. Kim’s group coaching sessions and materials are very helpful to stay on track when implementing a new course of action. I highly recommend Kim’s work.
I felt like i could maintain my focus on my goals. So instead of making a goal and focusing on it for a week and then forgetting about it, having the classes every week helped me re-focus on them which gave me more results in the end. And every week there would also be a new goal so you could also see your progress first hand every time we had a class.
I would say the way the recode has assisted me is to be more calm, speak up in the moment when something doesn’t feel good. I have more knowing in the moment and it has opened more intuition.
Before working with Kim, my income was not enough to even pay my bills. After working through blocks and doing the work with her, I now have more than enough every month to cover bills and the “luxuries” I couldn’t ever afford, like massages, acupuncture, etc. What a gift she is to my life. I’m so grateful to have found her.
Experiencing recodes with Kim in her coaching program has been a highlight for my week. I eagerly look forward to uncovering the gopher holes which have been blocking me from my true targets. Each time I run a recode, I feel incredible growth and change. I believe this tool is the most effective and powerful out of the different options available within Kim’s program. But don’t trust me! Try it out for yourself. You can thank me later :)
Kim is seriously educated and continues to learn and improve her ability to work with you at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. My experience with her bodywork is immediate and lasting change, also resolving issues from traumas, injuries and surgeries.
Your Magnetic Mind re-code sessions provided a breakthrough for a direction in my life that I always knew I would follow, but had no idea how and when. This brought and keeps bringing the needed tools my way, like a magnet! Thank you Kim.
My life has shifted from sad and stuck -> focused and exciting. Kim’s coaching program has led me into the realization of my real purpose and my true targets in life. She has unlocked the hidden resistance inside of me so that I can actually create again. YESSS! I consider myself lucky to be a part of her coaching program. But do not wait to join. Do it right now. You will never regret the investment she offers.
I admire how Kim Holman studies, and applies, so much of the latest information, for alternative health and wellness concepts.
Over the years, Kim has helped my neck cervical vertebra feel incredibly balanced and aligned.