(Re)Parenting Empowerment Mini Workshop

(Re)Parenting Empowerment Mini Workshop


Wondering how your childhood affects your life now?

Need a new perspective on parenting?

Feeling alone on your journey?

Receive your 90-minute pre-recorded preview of our 6-week masterclass.

We’ll give you a taste of what you will learn in the expanded course and some tools to implement now.

This workshop is an intro into the larger topic of reparenting ourselves so we can interact with others, especially children, in informed and connective ways. We begin to look at why we react in the ways that we do in difficult situations and we give some tools to start to identify those programmed reactions and patterns. When we can understand the layers associated with our reactions, we can create space to make different choices and to be intentional in the way we connect. The information and tools in this mini workshop offer a different perspective of parenting and teaching children from the lens of awareness and human development.

More details below. 

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This is for you if you’re:

  • Interested in why you react the way you do
  • Desiring to (re)parent with more compassion
  • Losing yourself in parenting
  • Trying many things and they’re not working

Workshop includes:

  • Handout for FREE lesson
  • Tools for navigating every-day parenting and self-regulation
  • Self-reflection activities

Our Key Intentions:

  • Offer tools to (re)parent with self-awareness
  • Treat people with grace and love
  • Build community through learning and understanding

Here’s what participants are saying…

“The parenting empowerment course was surprisingly helpful even though I do not have kids of my own. It helped me to understand the importance of self regulation and how our brains are short circuited during a trauma response. The tools and practices given were immediately applicable in my life and helped me to deal with being triggered and how to support others in finding wellness in their nervous systems.”
Chris Michels

“I could see myself taking this class three times over the next ten years and getting something completely different out of it each time.”

Nicole R.

Taught and facilitated by:

Kim Holman

Kim’s journey in life started with childhood trauma for the first 13 years of her life. For many years she vowed to never have children, until one day it seemed like a great idea. She and her former husband decided to have 2 kids and ended up with 3, in 3 years.. :-)  Kim started having children at about age 30 and they’re now in their mid to late 20’s. Early on in her parenting experience, she realized her childhood trauma was interfering with raising children so she started going to counseling to get support in parenting them and navigating relationships. She ended up reparenting herself through this process. More recently in the last 2 years, she learned about doing parts work during her coaching certification and that’s when she learned how to turn pain into wisdom. This led her to wanting to share tools and information with others to support them in their own parenting journey(s).

Meg Judge

Meg is a mom of two young children and has a deep passion for helping people reflect and grow into the best version of themselves. She has experience with supporting all ages in determining life paths, deconstructing difficult situations and moving people in positive, productive directions. She has taught preschoolers, elementary school students, teenagers and adults in various capacities. Additionally, she has done extensive research on neuroscience, human motivation, child development and trauma. She is excited to assist others in identifying the connections between parenting children, experiences of being parented and reparenting ourselves.

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