When you are performing in a sport you’re asking your body to be a race car vs. a regular vehicle. What kind of fuel are you putting in your race car? Have you checked your fluids lately?

We work on several kinds of athletes from young to old and the most common issue found is that they are dehydrated. Then their joints wear out and they tend to have more muscle tears. Stretching before your game and rolling out after will keep your muscles in good shape. Be sure to do this for each game. Remember, you’re asking your vehicle to perform like a race car!

Here are some basic tips for the common athlete:

  • Eat a balanced meal 3-4 x a day especially when working out a lot
  • Keep hydrated – 1 oz per lb. of body wt. when working out or performing ½ oz. per lb. of body weight on rest days.
  • Warm up before every practice or game
  • Roll out after every practice or game
  • Have a balanced workout routine especially if you do a racquet sport to balance the muscles on each side.
  • Get your rest! The only time our body repairs itself from what we demand of it is when we sleep.

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Because of Kim’s vast knowledge of the body she has been able to help athletes keep their body in top shape as well as recover from injuries much quicker to get them back in the game sooner. She will educate the athlete about how their body works so they have the information to make different choices if needed. Kim can work with athletes of all levels, from grade school, high school athlete, college and above. Even the weekend athlete!


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