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General Health Articles

SOS: Sugar Overload Support

This is definitely the season we overload on sugar. To date, I have found the best thing to offset the sugar load is eat to protein and wait it out.

Types of water

140 lbs / 2=70 oz of water needed per day Here's how to get 80 oz into your day (and not)!  2 glasses upon waking 24 oz. alkaline 16 oz

Post-Game Routine

After your game be sure you drink more water. Ideally you eat protein within 30 min. so your body has material to repair your muscles. A protein shake would be

On Game Day!

It’s tournament day and you’re excited and nervous all at the same time. This is burning up a lot of energy that you’re going to need when you play. So

Prepping for Game Day!

When you are performing in a sport you’re asking your body to be a race car vs. a regular vehicle. What kind of fuel are you putting in your race

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